Rocco Bone: October 2017

Friday, October 20, 2017

Dabbling in the realm of the dry fast

Dabbling in the realm of the dry fast from Rocco Bone on Vimeo.

Back in 2016 I weighed somewhere around 270 or 280 lbs and was very well on my way to 300 lbs unless I put a fucking stop to it. I tried Herbalife and lost some weight,  tried the military diet and lost some more weight with that.  Sometime around September of 2016 I came across Dr. Robert Lustig's Sugar: the bitter truth and THAT SHIT SCARED ME STRAIGHT. I THREW ALL THE SUGAR, REFINED FLOUR AND PROCESSED FOOD I HAD LYING AROUND THE HOUSE STRAIGHT IN THE GARBAGE. Some time after that I came across Dr. Eric Berg's video on why soy and corn are bad for you AND I THREW OUT EEEEVERYTHING THAT HAD SOY OR CORN AS WELL.  So I started with a proper keto diet with all the carbs cut out, modified it bit by bit overtime and now follow a high fat low carb diet, made every fucking conscious effort to read labels to cut sugar, corn, soy and processed food out of my diet and combined all that with intermittent fasting, specifically the 16/8 method and over time I ended up doing OMAD or one meal a day.  Lost a bafuckload of weight with that.
Last month I weighed myself and I weighed 149 lbs and that was great.
Last week I weighed myself and was at 160. I thought "FUCK! Just a few weeks ago I was at 149 lbs. DAFUQ???" Could most of that come from water weight? have I been slowly backsliding and eating processed shit "food producs"? Is there some muscle mass in there somewhere? Dafuq knows.
So, about a week ago Fledge Fitness put out a video talking about the Snake Diet and that immediately caught my attention. Now there's an issue with Fledge Fitness' Snake Diet video.
I've binge watched most of Cole Robinson's Snake Diet videos
In some of his videos he talks about doing a 7 day dry fast that really fucked him up, but did not temporarily damage his health.
He talks about fat fucks and how they should get of their fat asses and CARE, CARE about their fucking health. Now, Cole says a lot of dirty words on all his videos.
God damn dick cunt bukkake of shiaaat!
Not a single one of Cole's videos advocates a 30 day long dry fast.  Is Fledge Fitness going to correct that? Leaving that out there. Just saying.
Now, I had kind of done the Snake Diet system UNINTENTIONALLY. I would eat one meal a day and not eat for 2 days straight. The only thing missing was the snake juice. Go check out his snake juice video and get the recipe straight from the horse's mouth.
Now that I have time to spare, some salt, some no salt or salt free and water I AM DEFINITELY GOING TO TRY THE SNAKE DIET from  here on out. 

Day 1 of the 2 day dry fast
Got around to playing some Rocksmith. Old Taylor Swift is dead, long live old Taylor Swift.
Weigh in: 156 - 157
Day 2 of the 2 day dry fast
Kept busy restringing a Floyd Rose guitar
End result 155 lbs. Dry fast works.
I'll try doing a 5 day dry fast this monday.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Peanut butter crust keto pizza

Peanut butter crust keto pizza from Rocco Bone on Vimeo.

Peanut butter crust keto pizza

10 Tablespoons peanut butter
4 pastured eggs
Juice from 1 lemon
Teaspoon baking soda
2 Tablespoons Whey protein powder
pinch sea salt
unsalted butter for greasing up your pizza pan
the healthiest flour you can get

Mix ingredients in a bowl until you get a somewhat runny-ish/solid-ish consistency (like the one in the video). Pour into a greased up pizza pan (that's when you use the unsalted butter and flour)

2 tomatoes
pinch o' salt
sweet wine

boil the tomatoes, put the tomatoes , pepper, salt and wine in a deep dish and smoosh, smoosh, smoosh.

burger paddy (or whichever meat you'd like)
cheddar mozzarella whatever cheese you prefer
onions (if you're into that)
cut up the toppings into manageable pieces and sprinkle, sprinke, sprinkle over the crust mix to your content

Say the magic words:



Gunnar Olsen
Late Night Snack

Die Eier Von Satan