Boys and girls. The weekend is upon us. There's going to be all kinds of tasty snacky snacks thrown your way. You better latch on to a hobby or keep your mind occupied while fasting. Idle hands are the devil's playthings.
To summarize: I was a fat kid and stayed that way until my late teens. I was briefly skinny from age 19 until age 21. At age 21, while attending college, the "the freshman 15" turned into the frshman 20, then the freshman 40, 50 and before I knew what hit me I weighed approx. 230 lbs. At age 23 while living in Israel the weight just started to pile on. Day in and day out of beer and shawarma got me to 340 lbs or so. At around that time some really well-intentioned drum circle hippies got me on a vegan diet. Whooo boy, after 2 months of that I felt awful and had gotten up to 360 lbs. I left Israel and back home I got an office job. The shitty eating habits continued until one day, by the grace of Bob I tore my esophagus. At work we were alotted 30 minutes for lunch. I'd wolf down a big ass container of chinese fried rice on a daily basis in record time. One day some piece of unchewed chicken either tore or nearly tore my esophagus. I was rushed to the hospital and after an endoscopy the doctor advised that I start chewing my food at least 30 times before swallowing. That bit of advice helped out so much. Since I wasn't going to rush through a meal any time soon I skipped lunch and only had dinner since then; I unintentionally started intermittent fasting. I tweaked the weight loss diet plan the doctor had sent me home with and did something called the militay diet. It involved having 3 smallish meals throughout the day. I lost 10 lbs the first week. Then I dabbled in paleo and settled on keto and the weight continued to fall off. A year or so passed and all throughout I binge watched every single Dr. Robert Lustig video, every episode of Supersize vs. Superskinny, my 600 lbs life and then one day on the recommended videos section I first saw Cole Robinson and the snake diet. Do yourself a favor: if you're tubby or obese and feel that you've tried everything, go search cole robinson snake diet snake juice. Do it now. Follow the plan and STOP EATING FATTY!!!
Did a refeed with shawarma (Bad boy! Bad boy!) So to make up for this transgression I did a dry fast the day after followed by a snake juice fast. Keeping my fingers crossed making an effort to not refeed anytime soon
Did you ever see that Simpsons episode when Barney's the designated driver so he can't drink, takes Homer's car and joyrides it all the way to NY and Homer has to go to NY but he absolutely hates NY? That's the way I feel about Jerusalem.