Oat flour pizza dough, cooking with psyllium husk
You'll need>>>
pyrex measuring cup
a packet of instant yeast (the packets I use are 11 grams)
3 tablespoons of olive oil
4 to 5 tablespoons of Psyllium husk
1 big mixing bowl
4 cups oat flour
1 tablespoon rice flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup of tap water
1 tablespoon hipster grade pink salt
1 egg
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon honey
An oven that goes up to at least 450 degrees F
Get a store bought bag of oat flour. Simplify man.
Take your pyrex measuring cup. In the pyrex measuring cup place 5 tablespoons of Psyllium husk, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 tablespoon hipster grade pink salt and fill the rest of the pyrex
measuring cup with oat flour until you reach the 2 cups mark. The remaining 2 cups of oat flour might come in helpful later on if the dough becomes unwieldy. Keep the rest of the oat flour
In the large mixing bowl Add the contents of the instant yeast packet. Add your cup of room temperature tap water. Add 3 tablespoons of olive oil.
Mix. Add an egg. Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
Mix. Add a squirt of honey. Mix for a bit and leave it sitting there for a minute or two.
Add a tablespoon of rice flour to the dry ingredients for a bit of crunchyness.
Pour the dry ingredients of the pyrex measuring cup into the large mixing bowl bit by bit. Mix all the ingredients into a wet, shaggy-ish dough. Mix for 15 minutes or the length of a full Anal Cunt album approx. or until you get a proper pizza dough consistency. knead until satisfied with the dough consistency.
Put the dough back in the big mixing bowl cover with plastic wrapper again. Now leave it alone in a quiet corner for 4-6 hours at room temperature. After 6 hours, cut up your doughballs to whichever size you want.
Sprinkle some oat flour on a wooden chopping block. Oat flour pizza dough smells fear. With a mixture of confidence and caution transfer from the pizza pan to the wooden chopping block.
Gather your tomato sauce and all your toppings. I have an oven with a pizza setting and a temperature that goes up to 450 degrees. I'm putting in a non-stick pizza pan in the oven. The oven's temp should go up to 450 degrees. When there are 20 minutes left on the timer I'm using a big spatula to transfer the pizza from the wooden chopping block to the pizza pan in the oven.
When 10 minutes are left in the timer, check if the pizza is cooking evenly.
Before taking the pizza out of the oven, say the magic words: „Simsalbim bambasala dusaladim“. If you don't do it exactly like this you'll fuck it up.
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