Once upon a time. Before Covid, before Youtube, before... 9/11 methinks I was on a bus trip to Panajachel, Guatemala. Right beisde me sat a mormon missionary and his tag-along buddy probably. Memory's all hazy. As expected, he gave me the whole "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Joseph Smith, the love of Jesus, the this, the that, the Melchizedek Priesthood, the angel Moroni, Salt Lake, blablablabla" spiel. Guatemala City to Panajachel is a solid hour and a half trip. That poor bastard wasted an hour and a half of his life and breath on someone who DON'T GIVE A FUCK, HOMEZ.
Most recently, not far a way from my house there's a big ass mormon temple and a mormon shop I guess and a mormon community center or whatever. Whenever I pass by these buildings I think to myself "Gee. I wonder what's going on inside? What's going through their heads? Dafuq does it all mean?" OOOOOh boy.
I heard Bill Maher talk about this once...
...and I was immediately intrigued.
A "Deep Dive" Into Mormon SOAKING (NSFW)
I'll try to not be mean to these poor bastards. Take special notice of the creepy Bill Cosby sweater, milk toast, Captain Buzzkill party pooper motherfucker hovering in the back all throughout.
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